Halloween is upon us and soon, little ghosts and goblins will be knocking on our doors to rob us of our precious sugar-coated candy treats.
Hours later, after the vast quantities of candy, spinning in circles and maniacal laughter have worn off and passed, the little goblins will collapse into tiny, small heaps. Visions of sugar plum fairies may visit (or even haunt) their dreams, or, if they happen to play the French horn, they may even have frightmares like these.
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The same eye treatment, with Dennis Brain.
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Chuck Norris can be pretty scary.
- http://hornmatters.com/2012/04/memes-chuck-norris-walker-french-horn/
- http://hornmatters.com/2012/03/three-more-chuck-norris-with-horns-memes/
- http://hornmatters.com/2012/03/internet-memes-what-if-action-mega-star-chuck-norris-played-french-horn/
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Melting horns lie in a surreal landscape. (Insert the sound of a quiet, whistling breeze and a random crow cawing in the distance.)
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Ghosts haunt the American Federation of Musicians to this day.
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Egads! Somebody said “French” horn!!
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Suddenly, you wake up and find yourself in a horn-section full of monsters.
- http://hornmatters.com/2008/10/monster-mash-week-begins/
- http://hornmatters.com/2008/10/monster-mash-tuesday/
- http://hornmatters.com/2008/10/monster-mash-wednesday/
- http://hornmatters.com/2008/10/monster-mash-thursday/
And don’t forget the conductor…
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