Giving Thanks for Things that Matter

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rockwell_want234It it that time of year here in America, when families typically get together during a holiday from work to share food and stories at the dining room table. It is an annual tradition where the opportunity to express thankfulness for family, life, and spiritual matters can be taken.

Along this line of thought:

Thanks to our readers

First and foremost, I would like to extend a hearty and sincere “thank you” to you, the reader of Horn Matters. Without your dedicated following, the articles on this web site would be something akin to shouting down a long, dark hallway.

Since instituting our updated site design last month, our traffic and Facebook followers have exploded. Your readership is the wind in our sails.

Thanks to our advertisers

Second, a big thanks to our third-party advertisers. Your support helps us to keep the lights on and the electricity running.

Incidentally, we do have a few remaining advertising slots available, and so if you are interested please contact us. Available spots include two areas on the home page – currently occupied by banners for the PDF Library and University of Horn Matters – and in the footer area of all article pages.

Thanks to tradition, pedagogy and history

For this category I would include the International Horn Society, the many fine, custom horn makers that keep experimenting with designs and equipment, and the fellow writers out there that continue to provide the horn community with rich and informative content. It is truly amazing how the state of our art keeps moving forward at an almost exponential pace.

Thanks to YouTube

Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of horn-related content appearing on YouTube. So much so that it is hard to keep up. Thank you to the many contributors who have taken the time to create and upload so much useful content.

A few outstanding examples would include:

University of Horn Matters