Following up on the original volume (more here) is volume II of The Horn Matters PDF Excerpt E-Book. The content of volume I was driven primarily by surveys I did of audition lists for high level undergrad and grad programs for horn, the length overall being intentionally limited to a good one for reading as a PDF on a iPad.
For volume II our focus is the 13 remaining public domain works that are asked very frequently on professional auditions, the additional works chosen based on a survey of ICSOM orchestra audition lists that I did a few years ago (for the complete results see John Ericson, “A New ICSOM Audition List Survey,” The Horn Call 33, no. 1 [October, 2002], 53-55).
Beethoven: Fidelio Overture
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 8
- Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo
- Brahms: Symphony No. 4
- Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1
- Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2
- Bruckner: Symphony No. 4
- Haydn: Symphony No. 31
- Mahler: Symphony No. 1
- Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3
- Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4
- Wagner: Das Rheingold Prelude
- Weber: Der Freischutz Overture
The combination of the excerpts in volume I and II would be what I would hope an undergrad horn performance major knows well by the time they graduate, and certainly any grad student should know cold. You don’t want to be scratching around learning major excerpts for the first time right before an audition! Volume II may be downloaded directly here:
And check the Horn Matters PDF download page for even more useful and practical PDF horn resources:
Volulme III will follow soon (UPDATE: it has been completed), aimed at those additional excerpts that come up less commonly on auditions but often enough to be highly worthy of study by advanced horn students.