On the single F horn, part VIII: My new CD Rescued!, and where to get all the music for free

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Back in 2015 I started posting articles (starting here) that lead up to this one— the new CD is done! With special thanks to Clarke Rigsby (recording and editing), Nathan James (mastering), Deanna Swoboda (producer), Summit Records, Richard Seraphinoff (horn maker), and especially Yi-Wan Liao (pianist).

As stated in the CD notes, Rescued! celebrates the forgotten works of a group of 19th-century hornists and composers. The music included in this recording was composed between roughly 1860 and 1910 and are quality works aimed primarily at low horn players of the late 19th century who still used single F horns. Preparation for the recording was very challenging, but I believe the finished product accurately shows the sound of the F horn — and I completed a type of project I have long wanted to make.  The finished product came out just as I hoped.

The works recorded, in order as presented on the CD, are the following, and all are works that I hope will, with this CD, be “rescued” and find a place on horn recitals again.

ericsoncoverNocturno, Op. 73 – B. Ed. Müller
Sonate, Op. 347 – Fritz Spindler
Melancholie, Op. 68 – B. Ed. Müller
Am Abend, Op. 71 – B. Ed. Müller
Gondellied, Op. 15 – Karl Matys
Lied ohne Worte, Op. 2 – Oscar Franz
Serenade, Op. 20 – Louis Bödecker
Lied ohne Worte – Josef Richter
Resignation, Op. 16 – Charles Eisner
Wiegenlied, Op. 69, No. 1 – B. Ed. Müller
Sonata, Op. 7 – Hermann Eichborn

If most of these works don’t sound familiar, only a couple of them are available and in print … but if you want to try them out yourself, all the music on this CD is actually available as free downloads on IMSLP, using the links below.

Bodecker Serenade

Eichborn Sonata

Eisner Resignation

Franz Lied

Matys Gondellied

Muller Abend

Muller Melancholie

Muller Nocturno

Muller Wiegenlied

Richter Lied

Spindler Sonata

19th-horn-portI have the CD, first copies very fresh off the press, for sale directly in my Horn Notes Edition store, buy it and other of my CDs while you are there if you choose to purchase direct, and surely all the standard sources will have it very soon as both physical copies and downloads. Check it out!

To close, it took more than twice as long to get done as I anticipated, and the overall process renewed my respect for all that create solo recordings and fine tuned elements of my playing and teaching. Thank you again to all who helped in any way, I am very happy how it came out, and for much more background info read the series of articles that lead to this finale, starting here.

University of Horn Matters