Video Podcasts: Looking at published horn warmup routines

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UPDATE 2017: These have now also been posted to iTunes; see for more information on this and other episodes of the Horn Notes Podcast.

The topic is published horn warmup routines and the guest is Dr. Alex Manners for two episodes of the Horn Notes Video Podcast.

Podcast-snip-articleAlex recently completed his DMA at Arizona State, with his research project on the topic “An Annotated Guide to Published Horn Warmup Routines, 1940-2015.” The entire project may be read here in the ASU Digital Repository. As he notes in the paper itself, the choice of 1940 is not arbitrary, as there are actually no published horn warmup routines prior to that date.

It is a great topic that every horn player could stand to think about and review periodically. The podcast is in two parts and focuses on 8 of the 38 publications examined in his study. Part I is on the earlier publications, featuring routines by Farkas, Schuller, Singer, and Standley:

And part II is on more recent warmup publications, featuring routines by Teuber, Wekre, Hesse, and Epstein:

The entire Doctoral project has coverage of 38 published routines. For more on Alex, check out his website here, and thank you Alex for sharing.

Finally, to the big question you may be asking now, how did horn players warm-up before 1940? It seems so essential, you could ponder this question all day, but it seems to me if you look at say the Duvernoy Méthode pour le Cor (1802) the general idea way back then was probably just to noodle around on short exercises until you felt ready to go. I included a section of these very exercises in my natural horn book.

As always, yet more episodes of the Horn Notes Video Podcast may be found here on YouTube.

University of Horn Matters