Survey Results: Who’s Who in Your Horn Universe?

- - Please visit: Legacy Horn Experience - -
- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

When announcing the survey “Who’s Who in Your Horn Universe?” I made a pretty grandiose statement.

Spheres of influence are no longer relegated to principal horn players in major symphony orchestras, to famous teachers, or to musicians that have taken the time to make recordings or to write their thoughts down into books and trade journals.

Wanting to test this out further, the survey began with “Have you heard of this horn player?” as the single question, with “yes” or “no” as required answers for a list of names.

The names

  • Radek Baborák
  • Andrew Bain
  • Dale Clevenger
  • Stefan Dohr
  • Annamia Eriksson
  • Ronald Janezic
  • Richard King
  • Frank Lloyd
  • Philip Meyers
  • Jennifer Montone
  • Marie Luise Neunecker
  • Marc Papeghin
  • Steve Park
  • David Pyatt
  • Arkady Shilkloper
  • James Sommerville
  • James Thatcher
  • Richard Todd
  • Tom Varner
  • Frøydis Ree Wekre
  • Robert Ward*
  • Gail Williams
  • Sarah Willis

*The name Robert Ward was added after 52 votes had been previously tallied. The data for Robert Ward may have a margin of error as high as 8%.  Within the metadata analysis this error should be weighed and considered.
Otherwise, this survey is bug-free and is an accurate reading.
The primary goal of this survey was to gauge generational trending in name recognition of known horn players in the field with respect to internet technology and branding.
Respondents were channeled into 3 age groups. Each group was given the same list of 23 names.

How where the names chosen?

Names selected for the survey were determined on the following loose criteria:

  • Body of Work
  • Position/Status
  • Web Site
  • X-Factor
  • Years of Service
  • YouTube Videos

The results?

The final vote tally came to 379 votes when I closed the survey a few hours ago. Before giving any opinion, I have simply compiled the data into a PDF report for people to download and review on their own terms.

Comments, cross-blogging and any other discussion or academic use of this report and its results are most welcome. A big thank you to all who participated!

University of Horn Matters