More Random Hornist Hamster Memes
Below are yet more, somewhat random Hornist Hamster memes. Can you find the Robert Schumann quote? Enjoy!
Mistakes are made by fools like me, but...
Memes: Special Verne Reynolds Edition
Regular readers of Horn Matters know that Bruce Hembd and I both count Verne Reynolds among our former teachers. In an prior article I...
Pre-Holiday Flood: It’s Raining Memes!
Click on any image to enlarge.
More Memes, Say You?
If you enjoyed these, you might browse the entire Photoshop & Memes category and look around. Below are...
Giving Thanks for Things that Matter
It it that time of year here in America, when families typically get together during a holiday from work to share food and stories...
Some Favorite Horn Memes
A few of my favorite memes from past Horn Matters articles.
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Necessity is the mother of invention.
What if Action Mega-Star Chuck Norris played French...
Internet Meme: A Rage Comic on Rolling in the Mud and...
Regular readers will know already that I enjoy making silly cartoons and Photoshop renderings that are related to the French horn.
Some previous efforts have...
On Bonding with your Horn
Up today are two topics. First, making the rounds of social media the past few days was an article on the topic of the...
Memes for a Friday
This past week (hat tip to Bruce Hembd) I saw on Facebook a link to a very interesting group of horn-related memes. The site...
Mixed Nuts: Halloween Frights and Other Things that go Bump in...
Halloween is upon us and soon, little ghosts and goblins will be knocking on our doors to rob us of our precious sugar-coated candy...
Random Brain Memes
The topic of Internet meme humor has been a subject explored before at Horn Matters, and today it is a series that evolved from one...