American Horn Quartet Interview

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An inside look into a successful rarity in the chamber music world.

Established in 1982 by four replanted Americans who perform and teach in Europe, the American Horn Quartet (AHQ) is probably the most well-known horn quartet in the business. One of their members includes Kerry Turner, whose original compositions are an absolute joy to both play and listen to.

Their recently released CD, “Myths and Legends” features original works by Eric Ewazen, Kerry Turner and Kazimierz Machala.

A 45-minute video from offers some insight into the ensemble and how it operates as an organization. Because the members live in different locations throughout Europe, coordinating rehearsals and concerts takes a great deal of responsibility and cooperation.

While the title of the video implies a topic of playing opportunities in Europe, the discussion encompasses much more.

For any chamber music group interested in establishing themselves as a performing entity, any American interested in working in Europe, or for anyone just interested in the AHQ, this video offers a great deal of information.

It is indexed, making it very easy to fast-forward to specific topics of interest.

University of Horn Matters