It is time to use some new etudes (with samples to try)

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Especially in this time of COVID teaching, it is time to try some new materials. The same old, tired etudes seem especially old and tired in Zoom lessons. With more lesson teaching moving to live lessons, some new materials will brighten your teaching and your practice.

Back in June I introduced 30 Modern Preparatory Etudes (more here), a brand new publication. Having now used this book more fully this fall I can say with certainty this is a collection that works great with a variety of students. I have been gratified how well these have worked in lessons.

It is also a very affordable publication, available worldwide on Amazon in print and Kindle editions. Unfortunately, the book preview on Amazon has no pages of music visible, so you do not have a way to see what you get, and of course, the best way to know how they might work for you is to try them!

In response to that, two of the etudes are below, try them yourselves and with your students. This collection is one that fits well with the needs of the contemporary horn teacher. You will not be disappointed.

For more information and links to purchase visit

University of Horn Matters