Workshop presentation: Playing the Wagner Tuba

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- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

Continuing the series of short podcasts on topics in the form of workshop presentations, filling a need with all the cancelled workshops this year due to the corona virus outbreak, the topic today is the Wagner tuba! Listen to Horn Notes Podcast episode 41 at the link below or wherever you listen to podcasts:

In real life I’ve presented about the Wagner tuba at several horn workshops, not to mention have performed on it a number of times on works of Wagner, Strauss, Bruckner, and Stravinsky — and I have a publication out, Playing the Wagner Tuba, available on Amazon (print and Kindle versions) in a second edition.

I’ve also posted about it quite a few times in Horn Matters. Rather than link any specific article, the search below will take you to a variety of articles, the Wagner tuba is a great topic.

University of Horn Matters