Mellophone Reality Show: DCI Horn Cam 2013

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One part of the horn world we like to peek into periodically at Horn Matters is the mellophone world. The DCI season just ended and I was very intrigued by this reality video, produced by DCI, of the 2013 Carolina Crown victory encore. The video was posted on Aug 11, 2013 and as noted on YouTube you can “Experience the Carolina Crown victory encore performance from behind the horn of 5th year age-out, Tim Malone.” The video is below (direct link here, with a hat tip to Scott Ditty and the Mellocast group on Facebook), and I have a few more comments at the end.

The video starts a bit slow (the show starts for the mellos without instruments) but you do very much have the feeling of being there on the field and of the show itself from the perspective of a player in the mellophone line. Which is the essence of reality TV, peeking into a world that you can’t experience or at least are unlikely to experience.


The marching when they get going is much more intense than anything I ever did in high school or college. The screen grab here gives the flavor of the show.

And there are a few more things that can be gleaned, in particular that the mellophone line of Carolina Crown aims for a big and fairly dark sound out of the mellophone, I never sense the hard edge you sometimes get with poor mouthpiece choices and such. Even if you just watch a couple minutes this is a very interesting video, a good model for what can be done on mellophone.

University of Horn Matters