Alphorn World Record!

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Yesterday a world record was smashed! The old record was 366 alphorns, but according to Reuters, “508 players broke a record set in 2009.” Read the full story here, with a great overall photo of the world record group. I got to the article via Facebook (hat tip to TM), and was particularly interested see besides all the standard alphorns performed by players in native costumes there is one giant alphorn visible that has to be seen.

alphorn-snipOr heard! There is also a video from the BBC, which may be seen here that I found linked from the commets above. I don’t see a way to embed it so you will have to click over to their article for this version. The group sounds quite good and there are some huge booming bass notes in particular that would have been great to experience live.

Surfing around a bit more, pay dirt, found another a video from an English language service of the NHK in Japan. The photo here is a screenshot from the NHK video — and look at that bell! This is not photoshop. Wow. The big one makes all the standard alphorns look like toys.

UPDATE: That video seems to be offline now, but the below is another view of the same event.

University of Horn Matters