Video: Introducing the Wagner Tuba

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Over in my Horn Articles Online site for years I have had a Wagner tuba page, and in 2007 one of the first group of publications from Horn Notes Edition was Playing the Wagner Tuba. My first opportunities to perform on the Wagner tuba came with the Rochester Philharmonic when I was a MM student, on Bruckner 7 and 8. It is a topic all advanced horn players need to be familiar with, and the video below offers a brief introduction to the topic. (Direct link here)


The hard copy book has been a steady seller, but one where periodically I get an urgent E-mail from a hornist hoping to get the files of transposed parts for Bruckner 7 contained in the book for an upcoming performance. I included in the publication parts in the original notation and transposed for a popular selection from Gotterdammerung, complete parts for Bruckner 7, and also extended selections from the Alpine Symphony of Strauss.

Thus, with this video I am pleased to note that I also now have made available Playing the Wagner Tuba as an E-book, available at I believe it is actually an ideal format for a book of this type.

And from the video itself you will note that we have a new YouTube channel, HornmattersTV. With this channel we have a wide variety of video ideas for the future, be checking back as they roll out over time.

UPDATE: We did not do many more videos, but the book is available (2018) in a new edition in print and Kindle versions.

University of Horn Matters