Horn Pedagogy Week 2: Descant and Triple horns, Mellophones, Care and Maintenance of the Horn, and Left Hand Position

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As we learned in week one, equipment is a big topic, one that could be easily expanded into a discussion that covers an entire semester. That discussion will wrap up this week, with several related topics. We only have time to scratch the surface really, but do note that while only briefly introduced at this time in the context of an overall equipment discussion, the actual use of descant and triple horns will be covered in more depth in the repertoire class in the spring semester.

Readings for this week

This week we have a lot of ground to cover with more reading than average for this course. Budget time accordingly! First up are three introductory readings from Horn Articles Online.

Which are followed by these readings in the Hornmasters series, which move from equipment into the topic of left hand position on the horn.

Questions you might ponder

As you read these come questions to consider include,

  • Anything in common between mellophones, descant, and triple horns?
  • Why might you use different types of oil in different places on your valves?
  • Bell on or off the leg? Is either way “better?”
  • What about dimes and straps?
  • Any newer methods to promote a more ergonomic way to hold the horn not covered in the readings?

Speaking of dimes and straps, brief articles on those topics may be found here:

Mouthpieces and descant and triple horns

One other topic that will come up in discussion is that of descant and triple horn mouthpieces, or why you might use something different than normal for high notes. I have a two part series to at least skim as a closer for this week:

Next week we continue into the related topics of right hand position, fingering choices, and intonation.

Continue to Week 3

This is week 2 of a fourteen week course in horn pedagogy. The introductory article is here, and the series is presented for the educational purposes of our readers.

University of Horn Matters