Too Lovely For Words

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Excerpt from Strauss: Four Last Songs and a unique embouchure.

If I were to pick one and only one spot in all symphonic repertoire which moves me the most, this is it. This particular video with Renee Fleming (soprano), Claudio Abbado (conductor) and Bruno Schneider (solo horn) is stunning in its nostalgic, pristine beauty.

The entire September song may be viewed here.

Take note of Mr. Schneider‘s unique embouchure – the top half appears to be almost completely within the softer, red lip tissue. The top lip appears to even fold over the top rim of the mouthpiece – a quasi-einsetzen (setting in) position.

This embouchure appears to be an exception to the “downward airstream” rule of thumb and I wonder if his airstream actually points upwards. It just goes to show that while there are general guidelines for embouchure, there is no “one size fits all.”

This is not a criticism but rather an simple observation – with eyes opened or closed it is nothing but beautiful music-making.

University of Horn Matters