The Premio Mysterioso Award

- - Please visit: Legacy Horn Experience - -
- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

A hearty thanks to Kenneth Woods over at A View from the Podium for passing on a Premio Dardos Award. Somewhat resembling a chain letter without the false promises of good or bad luck, it is a fun way for bloggers to spread the love.

The origin of this award is a mystery and research unveiled more questions than answers. It is known by at least three different names and its rules vary from blog-to-blog. It exists in both English and Spanish speaking blogging communities.

The rules are:

1- Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2- Pass the award to at least 5 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award

For my 5 choices I have chosen blogs that are not horn or brass related:

  1. Classical Convert
    Ben (no last name is given) takes a fresh perspective at classical music. He “converted” to classical music at age 23.
  2. Music Matters
    Henkjan Honing writes on music cognition and technology.
  3. Arts and Commerce/Essays on Originality
    I enjoy Justin Locke’s direct and straightforward writing approach. He blogs on a variety of topics but his focus of late has been on music education.
  4. Professional Auditionee
    Alecia Bateson is an actress, singer and voice-over artist based in Boston. She chronicles her various gigs in her pursuit of a full-time career.
  5. Basic Instructions
    My one choice that is not music-related. Scott Meyer always gets a chuckle with his tongue-in-cheek satire for tackling some of life’s basic problems.
University of Horn Matters