What horn models do they really play in London?

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- - Please visit: Peabody Institute - -

Many hornists recommend the London Horn Sound CD for their students, it is a classic and full of inspiration for younger hornists. I have it on my short list of “must own” horn CDs.

The London hornists are back at it again with a new CD just released. Give it One is billed as “The World’s First French Horn Big Band CD” and looks to be a lot of fun.

They have launched a website for the CD [UPDATE: no longer online]. It is a very nice site with lots of information on the new CD, including a blog, audio samples, and other background information. Being interested in equipment I was particularly interested to see the listings of equipment used by the 19 hornists performing on the recording. It is a window into what would be seen in a typical performing situation in London. Instrument models seen include:

Full doubles:
Alexander 103 and 1103
Conn 8D and 28D
Holton H188
Paxman 25
Yamaha 668

Compensating double:
Paxman 33

Single B-flat:

Alexander 107
Paxman 40 and 45

The full list of performers and horns may be found here (see UPDATE). This site is well worth poking around in and the CD looks to be a great one worth checking out.

UPDATE: The site linked above is gone, but the info is still correct in our post.

University of Horn Matters