From the Mailbag: The Horn Emergency Repair Kit

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One recent question that came in is a practical one, of what to keep in your case. A reader wrote, “I’m wondering what I should pack along with me at all times repair wise such as: oil, valve strings, screws, corks, etc.”

A Repair Kit?

I used to keep a little kit in my case that included valve string (pre-cut and knotted), cork blanks for bumpers, a screwdriver, and an X-Acto knife blade, along with valve oil.

With changing flight regulations and with occasional travel with the horn I don’t chance even putting the screwdriver or knife blade in the case anymore. As to strings I keep the horn up, changing the strings every few years, but keep one in the case just in case. I have not broken one in (knock on wood) years and years. I remember one breaking on one of my first performances as a horn player but since then I can’t recall the line I use breaking in actual use.

So besides a spare string at this point my repair kit that stays in the case is just valve oil, which is the number one thing you need, sticking valves are a big drag. And even valve oil I make sure not to carry on to an airplane as a precaution; for travel I put the valve oil in checked luggage in a sealed baggie.

You probably could get a very small screwdriver and it would pass though OK and would be very handy to have. The other things listed earlier in the article would all be handy if you have space and know you won’t fly or you keep them in luggage.

Quick Repair Tips

Without a proper repair kit there are two quick repairs you can do with substitute materials in a pinch. One is that dental floss will work in a pinch as a substitute for valve string. The other quick repair I would mention that of what to do if you have a cork or bumper missing. Some tissue or paper, wetted slightly and jammed into the holder, will work well as a temporary bumper.

Hopefully you won’t need much emergency repair ever but do keep the valve oil handy, it is the one essential thing to have in your case.

University of Horn Matters